Analysts Believe 2018 Could be the Best Year for Bitcoin

Cryptocurrency markets are not off to a good start in 2018. Most markets have lost nearly half of their value during...

Divorce Dispute: Couple Fights Over $830K Of Bitcoin

Thankfully, the noxious love-a-thon that is Valentine’s Day is now out of the way for another twelve months. The Hallmark holiday...

Don’t Hate the Player, Hate the Game: Solving the Dating Industry’s...

Reputation is the oldest currency known to man, which is why a rose by any other name will always remain a...

CDOT – Completely Offline After Ransomware Virus

Employees at the Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) spent the second day offline today, while security officials — including the FBI...

Ethereum may Introduce its own Identity Standards Rather Soon

A lot of things are happening behind the scenes of Ethereum. While the scaling issues are being sorted, there is another...

GDAX Announce Full SegWit Support, Network Fees Continue to Fall

GDAX, the trading arm of cryptocurrency brokerage Coinbase, announced today that they will implement full SegWit support for Bitcoin transactions in...

Telegram Messenger App Exploited by Mining Malware

Yet another day brings yet another tale of woe about mining malware. Back in the day we had viruses and worms...

Protect Yourself And Your Cryptocurrency From Real Criminals

Security experts advise on how to keep yourself and your digital coin safe from  thieves that focus on the crypto-wealthy.Criminals targeting...

Bitmain’s Profit Over $3 Billion According to Researchers

Beijing-based start-up Bitmain now dominates the Bitcoin mining industry. Last year it is estimated the company made as much money as chipmaker Nvidia did,...

Binance Chain is Exchange’s Answer to Hacking Attempts

The cryptocurrency ecosystem is always changing and evolving. Some of those changes are major surprises, yet often turn out in a...